Monday, February 7, 2011

Coastal Management Questions 7.1

Coastal Management Questions 7.1

Over development and rapid growth of coastal areas occur dude to the current Australian trend for people to move from large cities to smaller coastal towns and villages where the lifestyle is ore relaxed. 'Sea change' is the name applied to this process. Some towns along the east coast of Australia have imposed residential caps or a population ceiling for their town in an effort to stop over development of the area.

2. Why is the sustainable development of the coastline the aim of coastal management strategies?

Because, pollution from urban developments along the coastline is altering coastal ecosystems. Sewage outfalls add nutrients to the water and pollute the water, without careful management the water can become unsuitable for swimming. In Sydney, urban storm water is a major pollutant of the coastal environment-between Palm beach and Cronulla over 200 storm water outlets discharge water containing high levels of pollutants such as bacteria, heavy metals and organic chemicals into the ocean.

3. What trend has been labelled 'sea change'?

The settlement pattern of Australia.

4. Describe one government response to 'sea change'.

The settlement towards should be stopped or reduce the number of people migrating from foreign country.

5. Select four of the geographical issues facing the coastal environment presented in this unit. For each issue identify the human actions that cause the issue.

 Tourism and recreational pressures - The coast is a popular destination for residents and tourists alike. Tourist developments and resorts are concentrated in particular areas along the coast. During holiday times the population of these areas can double, placing pressure on the infrastructure and environment of the area. Recreational activities like four-wheel driving places pressure on the coastal environment. If not carefully managed, large dune areas and beaches where vehicles are given access can be highly susceptible to erosion.

 Introduced plants - Areas along the east coast have become invaded by introduced plants. The bitou bush was introduced into Australia from South Africa in 1908 to stabilize sand dunes and was used widely after sand mining activities in the 1950s. It can overtake native vegetation and does not offer sand dunes the same protection against wind erosion as those covered by native vegetation.

 Influencing decision-making - Making decisions on the appropriate use and management of coastal areas involves detailed knowledge of the natural processes that shape and form them. In addition a wide range of perspectives or view points about how the coast should best be used or developed groups need to take action to influence decision makers such as councils, government and developers.

Inappropriate development - Much of the appeal of the coast comes from the views and lifestyle offered bye the location. A balance needs to be achieved between development and the natural beauty or visual amenity of the area. Government planning now includes strict rules in an effort to ensure appropriate development.

6. What role do geographers play in developing management solutions to issues in coastal environments? 

Geographers play an essential role in determining the suitability of developments and ensuring the sustainable use of coastline.

Pollution - Pollution from urban developments can pose a health risk to humans. Without careful treatment of sewage and the management of storm water, beaches can be unsuitable for swimming.Recycle all the recyclable products such as sediment, bacteria, heavy metals and organic chemicals.

1 comment:

  1. Your answers to questions 1-6 are great! #7 needs work.
