Wednesday, March 23, 2011

9.1 Australia- the urban nation

1. What is meant by the term 'urban sprawl'
urban sprawl is when as a city's population increases, the easy solution is to simply add more suburbs to the edge of the city to accommodate people.

2. What is meant by the term 'urban consolidation'?
Urban consolidation refers to a diverse set of planning set of policies intended to make better use of existing urban infrastructure by encouraging development within existing urbanised areas.

3. What is meant by a highly urbanised country?
Highly urbanised country is where most of the world's population lives in a certain country such as China, America.

4.List three statistics that suggest Australia is a highly urbanised country.
Sydney, NSW - 3502000 total population in 2001
Melbourne, VIC - 3162000 total population in 2001
Brisbane, QLD - 1508000 total population in 2001
and more.

5. What factors have influenced the location of Australia's capital cities?
because Melbourne and Sydney had the most population in Australia, they were having a debate which city should be the capital of Australia. However, they finally decided that they couldn't choose between Melbourne and Sydney therefore they measured the exact middle between two cities and constructed Canberra.

6. What is population density and how is it related to urban sprawl?
As i said in question 4, Sydney has 3502000 total population measured in 2001 and this record is related to the urban sprawl due to the fact that States such as NSW, and VIC has good, balanced weather and is comfortable to the people to live.

7. How do Australian cities compare to other cities in the world in terms of their population density?
Mumbai has 14350000 total population and the land area is really small, and Sydney has only 3502000 total population. Compared to cities such as Mumbai, Sydney's population is nothing.

8. Describe the Advantage, in terms of the provision of infrastructure, urban consolidation has over urban sprawl.
Because Sydney doesn't have that many people (3502000 total population) and the land area is 1687km2 it is wise and taking the advantage of the use of land.

9. How have urban planners responded to the issue of urban sprawl in Australia?
Urban planners have had to be innovative in their design of apartments and new estates to manage the impacts of population growth in cities. One of the changing aspects of Australian cities in the movement towards high population densities within the city. In a process known as urban consolidation, land within the existing city's boundary is developed with high-rise apartment complexes  townhouses and villa developments.

10. Refer to 9.2:
a) Which Australian city covers the greatest land are?
Melbourne (2080 km2)

b) Describe how population density is calculated.
Population density is calculated by dividing the population of the country to the square density so you divide both of them and you get the population density.

c) Rank Australia's cities in terms of their population density.
1. Sydney - 2076
2.Melbourne - 1520
3.Adelaide - 1374
4.Wollongong - 1251
5.Perth -  1221
6.Gold Coast - 1102

d) What proportion of Australia's 10 largest cities has a population density greater than 1000 people per square kilometres?
Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Canberra, New Castle, Gosford, Wollongong

11. Refer to 9.5 and discuss the opinions the residents in the detached housing in the foreground might have to the apartment buildings being constructed. What impact will the construction have on their community?
The construction will have a large impact as it will greatly overshadow the smaller houses around the large apartment developments. They will cause about 75% increase in the number of people living in that area. It will also cause shadowing over the smaller houses as the apartment buildings are large and bulky.

12. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a detached style housing estate compared to apartment living.
Well, i myself live in apartment buildings and advantages of living in a detached style house's have more space and it is good for kids environment. I prefer to live in a detached style houses because we have our own property and privacy is needed.

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